Tag Archives: the school girls from Chibok Nigeria

Women’s Rights, Nigerian School Girls, List Wordings and Affirmations


Improving Women’s Rights and Prosperity was the chosen goal of several of our recent List Gatherings in Ashland Oregon.

To include those of you who live elsewhere, I would like to share our many thoughts about this, and the List wordings and affirmations we developed for Improving Women’s Rights and Prosperity.

I feel even more motivated to share these wordings with you, with the recent kidnapping of schoolgirls in Nigeria. I have highlighted and added several List wordings to address this situation.

“…having the school girls from Chibok in Nigeria home with their families, easily….”

“…having the school girls from Chibok in Nigeria safe and secure at all times, easily….”

Below are the wordings we developed for Improving Women’s Rights and Prosperity. Please feel free to add any of these wordings to your List if they are important to you.  These wordings I took mostly from the content of “The Essential List,” a short form version of List wordings for everyone, which I often use at List Reunions as a refresher.

List Wordings For Improving Women’s Rights and Prosperity


“…having women safe and secure at all times….”
“…having women safe and secure at all times on any level….”

“…having women sexually safe and secure and comfortable at all times….”

“…having women and girls have the best possible education for them….”
“…having women and girls have the best possible schools for them….”

“…having women and girls do whatever they want, whenever they want….”

“…having women happy….”
“…having women fulfill their life plans….”
“…having women surrounded by only positive and beneficial energies….”

“…having women have the best possible self-concepts….”
“…having women self-confident….”
“…having women love and accept themselves, on any level….”

“…having women have the best possible homes for them….”
“…having women have the best possible drinking water for them….”
“…having women have the best possible foods and beverages for them….”

“…having women physically healthy and strong, naturally and normally, and in balanced….”
“…having women physically comfortable, naturally and normally, and in balanced.…”

“…having women rich and wealthy, fulfilling their wants, needs and desires….”
“…having women financially independent….”
“…having women abundantly prosperous….”
“…having women have the best possible financial prosperity for them….”

“…having women as the best possible mothers….”
“…having women raise their male children in the best possible form and manner….”

“…having women have approximately equal rights, privileges and power to men….”
“…having men everywhere respect the wants, needs and desires of women and girls….”
“…having men everywhere see, know and experience women as approximately equally powerful, on any level….”
“…having men and women approximately equal, on any level….”

“…having people everywhere have the best possible beliefs about women….”

List Alumni Feedback

List Alumni attending our gathering provided even more wordings for improving Women’s Rights and Prosperity.

“…having the trafficking of women and children exist only to the mutual benefit of all, easily….”
“…having only the best possible rehabilitation programs and support for women and children who are trafficked, easily….”

This term “trafficking” is new, and as this problem goes away, statements with this word need to be removed. In areas where such problems exist, it is also important to target that area with the safety wordings, and as in the case in Nigeria, specifically women and girls.

For example,

“…having girls in Nigeria safe and secure at all times, easily….”
“…having school girls in Nigeria safe and secure at all times, easily….”
“…having girls in Nigeria have the best possible education for them, easily….”

Including Men, Women and Children

Several long-term alumni shared the concern that we should not exclude men and boys. Therefore men are included in several of the List wordings below; and rather than indicating girls and boys, we have used the word children.

“…having men, women and children independent and strong….”
“…having men, women and children make the best possible choices for their best benefit….”
“…having men, women and children have the best possible beliefs about women’s equality….”
“…having men, women and children have the best possible education about women’s equality….”
“…having men, women and children have the best possible education….”
“…having parents raise their children in the best possible form and manner….”
“…having men and women raise their sons with the best possible beliefs about women’s equality….”
“…having men, women and children everywhere have the best possible balanced relationships and interactions….”
“…having the peoples of the Earth easily using the appropriate Mind Frame for the mutual benefit of all….”

Your Feedback Is Valuable!

I hope these List wordings were as helpful and interesting for you as they were for us. As you can tell, we all went in many different directions. What we found as a group was that as we are all so different, different wordings were more relevant to different people. We decided to have people try out at least one of their favorite wordings, and place them on their own Lists. Together we will share changes that we’ve noticed over time.  We value your input, too, and we look forward to hearing from you on this topic.  Please feel free to comment here, on our website, or to write to me personally.

Our Next List Gathering, Info Talks and List Classes

Our next List Gathering is Sat., June 14, 10 AM-2PM, at the Ashland Public Library, downstairs in the Guanajuato Room.

The first half of this List Gathering I plan to include a fun, new List Intro. Talk, so please bring along someone new you think will benefit from the List process, and a fun lunch treat or snack.  The second half of the List Gathering, we can work on updating our Lists, or doing a Good/Bad Technique.

Our next List Class will follow the next two Saturdays, June 21 and June 28, 10 AM – 4PM.

I am also giving a List Intro. Talk in Grants Pass on Thurs., May 22nd, from 3-4 PM, at The Suites Retirement Home, 1301 Southeast Parkdale Drive. Please check our website schedule for more information, at www.therealitydynamicslist.com or give me a call at 541-301-0768.

I have had several requests to share our List Gatherings via Skype, but we find that List Gatherings are often quite personal and private, and so to respect the rights and privacy of people attending, I am presently choosing to send out a written summary of our gatherings.

Wishing you all “the best possible,” of your “wants, needs and desires!”

Yours prosperously!

Marnie M. Hancock