Tag Archives: traumas

2016: Forecasts, Retrogrades, & Racism & Resolutions!

Happy New Year Everyone!

This featured image in this post was taken on Jan. 1, 2016, at Whaleshead Cove in Oregon. What a beautiful day to begin the New Year with!

In 2016, I wish you all the power and strength of the golden sun; the tranquility and peace of the water; and the grounding of rock and sand.

My husband and I ventured over to the Oregon Coast on New Year’s Day, and we had a wonderful time.

Taking a closer look at the featured image, you will see a beautiful face in this rock.

Face in Rock Mother Earth

This is what I will be writing about today: taking a closer look; at ourselves and at our world, for 2016. I will be talking about Mercury Retrogrades, forecasts for this year, and finally solutions to racism in 2016 and beyond.

Mercury Retrogrades, 2016

I realize I am a little late in wishing everyone a Happy New Year, but my excuse is this most recent Mercury Retrograde! I know, I like to blame everything on Mercury Retrogrades! LOL. Here are the Mercury Retrograde dates for 2016.

January 5th – January 25th
April 28th – May 22nd
August 30th– September 21st
December 19th – January 8th, 2017.

This Year’s Forecast

I have a friend and List Alumni who sends me Astrology and Numerology newsletters, and while I am not an expert, I would like to summarize what I hear these newsletters saying for 2016. From the Numerologists, 2016 is a 9 year, meaning that this year is a completion year. Therefore, 2016 is all about reviewing and letting go of the past, and also about deciding what is really important for the future. Astrologically, Jupiter is also in Retrograde, placing a particular emphasis on letting go of past family issues. From Chinese Astrology, this year is the year of the Fire Monkey. Energy, creativity, intellect and even global volatility, especially later in the year, are emphasized. Yes, this year we really might need that grounding from Mother Earth!

New Year’s Resolutions & Racism Today

Many people review their Lists at New Year’s, and considering this year’s forecast, what a great time for this! I suggest taking up to two weeks, to check and see what’s happened on your List, to see what needs to be removed or revised, and to decide what you want for the future.

I did this myself. Assisting me with this, on New Year’s Eve, I was invited over to a local medicine woman’s home. There, we did a ceremony for letting go what we no longer wanted in 2015. Later, we discussed what seemed to be on everyone’s mind, the subject of racial discrimination.

First of all, I found it very interesting that The Letting Go Ceremony was very similar to one of our List processes; in that you write down what you want to let go, and then you burn it in the fire. This is similar to burning our I Want List Statements, after we replace them with I Am List Statements. In List dynamics, Joe Timmreck tells me that in doing this, we are telling our subconscious minds that we are no longer attached to that item, and it complies.

Once we had completed this process, though, the discussion about discrimination began. The subject of religious discrimination came up first, because we started talking about the recent suggestions to reject Syrian Refugees. After a brief pause, however, the subject soon turned to racial discrimination; and in particular to the discrimination of Aboriginal people.

Very early in the conversation, I mistakenly made a comment that Aboriginal people have been discriminated against in the past. I was quickly reminded, however, that in many ways, discrimination is still very much alive in Aboriginal people’s lives today.

Our hostess informed me that she knows aboriginal people who even today remember signs that read, “No Dogs and No Indians Allowed.” Too, she talked about the traumas and abuse at residential schools, as well as the imposed and degrading beliefs about being “savages.” She added that she knows people even today who remember being taken away from their mother’s arms, crying and screaming; and then they never saw their parents again.

While many of these extreme experiences are no longer happening presently, we all know from List theory the potency of early programming, by our parents and others, in terms of passing on limiting beliefs and traumas; and without a List or effective trauma release techniques to clear them, these traumas and beliefs very easily get passed on from generation to generation, and on into the future forever.

On a lighter note, however, the hostess then shared how she and colleagues had been talking recently about solutions to this discrimination. The solution to racism they had come up with was that we all need to focus on our common humanity, rather than our differences.  (Also, The List is here now, and we also have a very effective Trauma Release Technique: more later.)

One Humanity

This was very interesting to me, because I too had recently been pondering the same subject myself. Pondering the Syrian and Middle Eastern Crises, my conclusion was that focusing on commonly held human values might also be the solution.

My Solutions to Racism; List Resolutions, 2016

So, for my resolutions for 2016 and beyond, I put together and added these List wordings for Humanity. I focused mostly on human values, and I will share these wordings with you below.

“…having humanity have the best possible common values, easily….”

“…having humanity know and share their best possible common values, easily….”

“…having human beings love and accept each other, on any level, easily….”

“…having humanity function from its highest consciousness, functioning with truth, wisdom and knowledge, on any level, easily….”

“…having human beings know and have the best possible common beliefs about higher consciousness, easily….”

I know it’s a bit of a leap to include higher consciousness in these wordings, but in doing this, I am attempting to transcend both racial and religious differences. In List theory, different religious theories, and even racial prejudices, are simply left brain, partial and sometimes inaccurate interpretations of right brain and higher conscious truths. –Assuming this, it would be so nice for humanity to be more accurately on the same page! Socrates himself used to talk about this, talking about how symbols representing truths exist on a higher plane, and they then emanate through to us in this physical world. Thus we are left to interpret them, based on our unique geographic and common histories: for better or for worse!

Grandma Aggie, says, “Wake Up World!”

Grandma AggiePhoto By Jason R. Couch

     Not only had I been contemplating humanity at New Year’s, but I was also thinking about Grandmother Agnes a lot, even before Christmas. Then a friend of mine mentioned that she had just been interviewed on JPR Radio, about her new book and CD release, titled “Grandma Aggie, says, ‘Wake Up World!’” In her book and CD, she also talks about how in these times we need to come together as one human community, to find solutions to the problems of today. Too, I believe she shares many of the ceremonies and values of her tribe. Having attended three different Grandmother’s Councils, I have been very impressed with the society she represents, and in particular the positive, inclusive and role-based way that they raise their children.

As Jann Timmreck once told me, “This is a very ancient society.” I believe in saying this, she was implying that Aboriginal peoples have had many, many centuries, “to get it right.” While I have not yet purchased this book, I intend to; and I am sure that there are many gems held within. Here is a link to Grandma Aggie’s interview, and below that is a link to the purchase of Grandma Aggie’s book.



Not only is Grandmother Agnes local to this area, but so is Blackstone Books, the publisher. I look forward to further publications in this series, including the information shared by Chief Avrol Looking Horse. I have written about Chief Avrol Looking Horse in previous posts. He, too, wishes that Humanity come together, with common, shared values, and a collaborative view for creating a better world.

So, Happy 2016 everyone! Wishing you “the best possible” fulfillment of our New Year’s Resolutions!

“Humanly yours,”

Marnie Hancock.